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Rebellious Report—05.03.2022

Happy Tuesday!

They say the truth is out there…so scroll down to discover the truth about slushies. Also, can just a few minutes of lifting weights replace a ton of time in the gym? Find out below.

A Little Rebellious Fun has a video of a couple hiking to the summit of Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, Malaysia.

Infuse More Function.
             Boost Your Immunity.

Liquid Packet of Rebellious Pure Energy—Tenacious (Tangerine) at Edge of Grand Canyon
We are Tenacious

Tenacious is one of the awesome Rebellious Pure Energy flavors. 100mg of natural caffeine and 100mg of antioxidants to give you a boost without the crap of traditional energy drinks. 100% organic & 100% delicious. NO calories, NO sugar, nothing artificial. Two other exciting flavors: Marvelous and Courageous. BYO hiking gear.

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Here’s the good stuff…
Woman Doing a Single-Arm Overhead Tricep Extension
Why 13 Minutes Pumping Iron is Better than Spending Hours at a Gym
For decades, endurance athletes have avoided lifting weights for fear of gaining unwanted muscle mass that would weigh them down rather than …Read the story»
Graphic Illustration of a Slushie in Purple and Yellow
The Truth about Slushies Must Come Out
Recently, after a particularly invigorating car wash, I had a yen for a slushie. Maybe the warming weather inspired me. Perhaps the proud signage of the QuikTrip convenience store nearby …Read the story»
DrinkRebellious—Loaded with Antioxidants to Boost Immune Systems
Check out our FAQs for more information on the functional benefits that Rebellious Infusions deliver.
A Little Rebellious Fun…
Climbing Mount Kinabalu (Gunung Kinabalu) Sabah, Malaysia (Borneo)
We proudly support…
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Rebellious Beverage Company
 Chicago USA 

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