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Rebellious Report—07.08.2020

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Man Sufing in Heavy Waves


It’s the middle of summer and the folks at Drink Rebellious are here to say “Hi!” We have food for thought on avocado salads, mindful surfing, and more. A Little Rebellious Fun, our signature section, has videos about happy cows and liquid nitrogen rockets (no, not the same video!)

Please be safe, be well, and stay healthy.

Rebel From The Boring.
                       Rethink Your Drink.

You can find all of our Rebellious Infusions at

Five Fruit Flavors Shown Inside Circles of Water

Natural Energy, Ready to Drink 

Rebellious Infusions are a premium, organic liquid energy mix (balanced with a subtle sweetness) that turns water into refreshing beverages. Infusions are brewed with our proprietary technique that maintains 300mg of antioxidants per serving. That’s up to 50x more antioxidants in our Infusions than other beverages!
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We Proudly Support
Illinois Transplant Fund (ITF) believes that a person’s financial status should not be a barrier to his or her ability to receive a lifesaving organ transplant.

“Food for Thought”

Avocado Salad

Avocado Salad: Guac’s Sophisticated Older Sister 

Personal recommendation from Rebellious World HQ…We tried this salad over the U.S. Independence Day Weekend, and it’s outstanding! Get the recipe »

Woman Surfing by Barbara Rezende via Unsplash

5 Reasons Surfing Feeds the Mind, Body, and Soul

When asked to picture the most mindful exercise, surfing might not immediately come to mind. But after much thought, we find it’s the epitome of… Read the story »

Bowl of Fried Chicken Skins by Jessica Spengler via Flickr

Snacking on Skins Is Huge in Japan. Could It Get Huge in the States? 

In Japan, eating chicken skin on its own—grilled over charcoal and called kawa—is a common bar snack. Fried chicken skins that come in a bag…Read the story »

Flowering Lavender Plants by Karen Blaha via Flickr

5 Mosquito-Repelling Plants that are Easy to Grow 

Love being outside but prone to bug bites? When it comes to choosing plants for your backyard or garden, going for ones that can help ward off…Read the story »


A Little Rebellious Fun…

How to make 100+ cows extremely happy, very quickly!
Bowling with liquid nitrogen rockets. ’Nuff said.

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Rebellious Beverage Company
 Chicago USA 

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